Satya – Truthfulness

Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.

– Mahatma Gandhi

Satya bedeutet aufrichtig und wahrhaftig zu leben. Dazu gehört, dass wir nicht lügen, dass wir uns an unser Wort halten und mit uns und anderen ehrlich sind. Doch da gibt es manchmal diesen Konflikt: zwischen dem Wunsch die Wahrheit zu sagen und dem Wunsch nicht zu verletzen (Ahmisa). Dann empfiehlt es sich, die Wahrheit auf konstruktive Art und Weise mitzuteilen. Dies erfordert ein diplomatisches Geschick und Feingefühl. Und manchmal ist es auch klüger zu schweigen und sich für Ahimsa (Gewaltlosigkeit) zu entscheiden.

Wo I am

A student of western philosophy and literature, about to begin psychotherapy training, excited Yoga Teacher and outside adventurer - if you want to know more about me, this is, where I'll give you an overview.

What I do

I'm in my twenties, so there is still a lot more I want to learn and students say, they profit from my interest and desire to expand my knowledge. Still you might want to see, what I already legitimately do.

What Ashtanga Yoga is

Before you commit to letting someone else literally make you move, it can be assuring to know, what they're up to. I devoted this part of my website to an educational purpose, explaining what I do and why.

How to reach me

Contact me for any questions, be they straight down to business, asking for advice or general curiosity - I'm happy to get in touch.
Visit the FAQs first, if you're feeling shy today 😉

Wo I am

A student of western philosophy, about to begin psychotherapy training, excited Yoga Teacher and outside adventurer - if you want to know more about me, this is, where I'll give you an overview.

What I do

I'm in my twenties, so there is still a lot more I want to learn and students say, they profit from my interest and desire to expand my knowledge. Still you might want to see, what I already legitimately do.

What Ashtanga Yoga is

Before you commit to letting someone else literally make you move, it can be assuring to know, what they're up to. I devoted this part of my website to an educational purpose, explaining what I do and why.

How to reach me

Contact me for any questions, be they straight down to business, asking for advice or general curiosity - I'm happy to get in touch. Visit the FAQs first, if you're feeling shy today 😉